I remember when I first made this website. I was about 14, thinking my career as a 14-year-old children's book author would work out, with my breakout novel, "Lefty Crumpet and the Walnut Woods Monster". I wrote a blog post every once in a while and shared my 14-year old opinions with the world. I got so excited for the world to see what I wrote. My entire fanbase of 4 people was very proud of me.
Today the only thing that survives from that era is the name of the main character of the book, "Lefty Crumpet." I kept the name because "Lefty Crumpet" is way more google-able than "Justin Johnson". and google-ability is important for marketing purposes. This is the part of being a comedian that I find tedious: the marketing and promotion. GAHD, it's annoying. It distracts me from writing quality material. I understand why professional comedians have publicists and social media people now. I dunno. Life changes and nothing makes sense. Stop procrastinating and do your laundry.
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